FAM4 Children of at least one foreign-born parent: Percentage of children ages 0–17 by nativity of child and parentsa, parent's education, poverty status, and other characteristics, selected years 1994–2023

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  1994 1996 1998
    Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent
Characteristic Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child
Number of children ages 0–17 living with one or both parents (in thousands) 56,340 8,176 2,160 56,370 9,157 2,449 56,240 9,883 2,298
Percent of all childrenc 82 12 3 80 13 3 80 14 3
Education of parentd
Less than high school 14 38 48 13 39 49 12 37 45
High school graduate 35 21 20 34 21 16 34 23 22
Some college or associate's degree 28 19 11 29 19 12 30 18 11
Bachelor's degree or greater 23 22 21 23 22 22 23 23 22
Poverty statuse
Below 100% poverty 20 28 41 18 27 39 17 25 39
100% poverty and above 80 72 59 82 73 61 83 75 61
Presence of parents
Two married parents presentf 70 82 78 69 80 80 69 82 78
Living with mother only 26 16 19 27 17 17 26 15 20
Living with father only 4 2 3 4 3 2 5 3 3
Presence of adults other than parents
Other relatives only 17 25 36 17 24 34 17 26 29
Nonrelatives only 5 5 5 6 3 3 6 4 4
Both relatives and nonrelatives 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2
No other relatives or nonrelatives 78 68 56 76 72 61 77 68 65
  2000 2002b 2004b
    Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent
Characteristic Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child
Number of children ages 0–17 living with one or both parents (in thousands) 56,340 10,210 2,465 55,260 11,520 2,654 55,050 12,170 2,708
Percent of all childrenc 79 14 3 76 16 4 75 17 4
Gender of child
Male 51 52 53 51 51 52 51 52 50
Female 49 49 47 49 49 48 49 48 50
Age of child
Under 1 year 6 6 1 6 7 1 5 7 1
Ages 1–2 11 13 4 11 14 3 11 14 3
Ages 3–5 16 21 9 16 19 10 16 18 10
Ages 6–8 17 18 14 17 17 14 16 17 14
Ages 9–11 18 16 21 18 17 20 17 17 20
Ages 12–14 17 14 25 18 14 25 18 15 25
Ages 15–17 16 12 27 17 11 28 17 12 28
Race and Hispanic origin of childg
White 81 75 69 80 72 70
White-alone 79 72 71
White, non-Hispanic 73 21 17
White-alone, non-Hispanic 71 20 19
White-alone or in combination with one or more races 81 75 72
Black 17 7 9 17 9 9
Black-alone 17 9 8
Black-alone or in combination with one or more races 18 10 9
Asian 1 18 22 1 17 20
Asian-alone 1 15 18
Asian-alone or in combination with one or more races 1 17 18
Hispanic 7 54 54 8 55 55 9 54 55
All remaining single races and all race combinations 4 5 3
Education of parentd
Less than high school 11 36 43 10 36 41 10 34 42
High school graduate 33 23 23 31 23 21 31 24 21
Some college or associate's degree 31 18 12 32 18 12 32 17 13
Bachelor's degree or greater 26 23 22 27 23 27 28 25 24
Poverty statuse
Below 100% poverty 15 20 30 14 20 27 15 21 30
100%–199% poverty 20 29 31 20 29 33 19 28 33
200% poverty and above 65 51 39 66 51 40 65 51 37
Presence of parents
Two married parents presentf 70 82 81 69 81 81 68 81 81
Living with mother only 25 15 15 26 16 16 27 16 16
Living with father only 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 3
Presence of adults other than parents
Other relatives only 16 26 37 17 26 31 17 26 31
Nonrelatives only 6 4 5 6 5 5 6 5 4
Both relatives and nonrelatives 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2
No other relatives or nonrelatives 76 68 56 77 68 61 76 68 64
  2006b 2008b 2010b
    Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent
Characteristic Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child
Number of children ages 0–17 living with one or both parents (in thousands) 54,980 12,710 2,599 54,990 13,760 2,538 54,610 14,640 2,424
Percent of all childrenc 75 17 4 74 19 3 73 20 3
Gender of child
Male 51 52 52 51 51 52 51 51 49
Female 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 51
Age of child
Under 1 year 6 7 1 6 8 1 6 7 1
Ages 1–2 11 15 4 11 14 4 11 14 4
Ages 3–5 16 19 10 16 19 10 17 20 10
Ages 6–8 16 16 15 16 17 14 17 19 13
Ages 9–11 16 16 20 16 15 20 16 15 19
Ages 12–14 17 15 22 17 14 24 16 14 25
Ages 15–17 18 12 28 18 13 27 17 12 29
Race and Hispanic origin of childg
White-alone 79 72 68 79 72 66 78 71 60
White-alone, non-Hispanic 70 18 16 69 18 15 68 17 13
White-alone or in combination with one or more races 82 75 69 82 75 66 82 74 60
Black-alone 16 9 10 16 9 10 16 10 13
Black-alone or in combination with one or more races 18 9 11 18 10 10 18 11 13
Asian-alone 1 15 19 1 14 22 1 14 26
Asian-alone or in combination with one or more races 1 17 19 1 16 22 2 16 26
Hispanic 10 57 55 10 58 53 12 59 50
All remaining single races and all race combinations 4 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 2
Education of parentd
Less than high school 10 33 39 7 26 29 6 26 32
High school graduate 30 24 24 24 25 25 23 24 21
Some college or associate's degree 32 19 11 32 19 12 33 20 14
Bachelor's degree or greater 29 25 27 38 30 34 38 31 34
Poverty statuse
Below 100% poverty 15 20 30 16 21 30 18 26 33
100%–199% poverty 19 28 31 19 29 28 19 27 30
200% poverty and above 65 52 39 66 50 42 63 47 37
Presence of parents
Two parents presentf 68 82 80 70 84 79 69 83 79
Living with mother only 27 15 16 26 14 19 27 16 19
Living with father only 5 3 3 4 2 2 4 2 2
Presence of adults other than parents
Other relatives only 17 25 31 19 25 27 20 28 34
Nonrelatives only 6 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4
Both relatives and nonrelatives 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
No other relatives or nonrelatives 75 70 64 76 72 68 75 67 60
  2012 2014 2016
    Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent
Characteristic Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child
Number of children ages 0–17 living with one or both parents (in thousands) 53,320 15,630 2,236 52,810 15,790 2,264 52,700 15,950 2,262
Percent of all childrenc 72 21 3 72 21 3 71 22 3
Gender of child
Male 51 51 51 51 51 49 51 51 50
Female 49 49 49 49 49 51 49 49 50
Age of child
Under 1 year 5 6 1 5 6 1 6 6 1
Ages 1–2 11 13 3 11 12 4 11 12 4
Ages 3–5 17 19 8 16 18 9 16 17 13
Ages 6–8 16 18 14 17 17 14 17 18 13
Ages 9–11 17 17 18 16 17 18 17 18 17
Ages 12–14 17 14 27 17 16 21 17 16 20
Ages 15–17 17 14 30 17 14 33 17 14 32
Race and Hispanic origin of childg
White-alone 76 69 56 76 67 57 76 67 56
White-alone, non-Hispanic 66 17 15 65 16 20 64 16 18
White-alone or in combination with one or more races 81 74 58 81 72 58 81 71 58
Black-alone 16 9 15 16 11 15 16 10 14
Black-alone or in combination with one or more races 19 11 16 19 12 16 19 12 15
Asian-alone 1 15 26 1 16 25 1 16 25
Asian-alone or in combination with one or more races 2 18 26 2 19 25 2 18 25
Hispanic 13 58 47 14 57 41 14 57 44
All remaining single races and all race combinations 6 7 3 7 7 3 7 7 5
Education of parentd
Less than high school 6 24 29 5 24 27 5 23 21
High school graduate 22 25 20 21 22 19 20 23 23
Some college or associate's degree 32 19 12 32 19 14 31 19 13
Bachelor's degree or greater 40 33 39 42 35 41 43 35 44
Poverty statuse
Below 100% poverty 19 27 33 * * * 18 23 29
100%–199% poverty 20 28 29 * * * 20 28 28
200% poverty and above 61 45 39 * * * 62 50 43
Presence of parents
Two parents presentf 67 82 79 68 82 81 68 83 81
Living with mother only 28 16 18 27 16 16 28 15 17
Living with father only 5 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 2
Presence of adults other than parents
Other relatives only 20 28 32 20 28 27 20 28 32
Nonrelatives only 5 4 3 5 3 3 5 3 3
Both relatives and nonrelatives 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
No other relatives or nonrelatives 74 67 64 74 68 70 74 69 63
  2018 2020 2023
    Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent   Foreign-born parent
Characteristic Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child Native-born child and parents Native-born child Foreign-born child
Number of children ages 0–17 living with one or both parents (in thousands) 51,640 16,720 2,241 51,430 16,150 2,335 50,490 16,530 2,540
Percent of all childrenc 70 23 3 71 22 3 70 23 4
Gender of child
Male 51 51 50 51 51 51 51 51 52
Female 49 49 50 49 49 49 49 49 48
Age of child
Under 1 year 5 6 1 5 6 1 5 5 0
Ages 1–2 11 11 4 11 11 2 10 12 4
Ages 3–5 16 16 14 17 17 10 16 17 9
Ages 6–8 16 17 16 17 17 16 17 17 14
Ages 9–11 17 17 17 17 17 20 17 16 22
Ages 12–14 17 17 20 17 16 24 17 17 24
Ages 15–17 17 15 26 17 16 26 18 17 28
Race and Hispanic origin of childg
White-alone 76 67 55 76 65 53 74 63 58
White-alone, non-Hispanic 63 16 21 63 15 18 61 16 17
White-alone or in combination with one or more races 81 72 56 82 70 54 80 68 61
Black-alone 16 11 13 15 12 18 17 11 14
Black-alone or in combination with one or more races 19 13 14 18 14 19 20 13 15
Asian-alone 1 15 29 1 16 26 2 17 22
Asian-alone or in combination with one or more races 3 18 30 3 19 27 3 20 23
Hispanic 15 55 37 16 55 38 16 54 46
All remaining single races and all race combinations 7 7 3 8 7 3 8 8 5
Education of parentd
Less than high school 5 20 17 4 18 18 3 15 19
High school graduate 19 24 20 18 23 21 19 25 20
Some college or associate's degree 31 19 12 29 18 13 28 18 13
Bachelor's degree or greater 45 37 51 49 42 48 50 42 48
Poverty statuse
Below 100% poverty 15 21 26 13 16 22 13 17 25
100%–199% poverty 19 26 27 18 26 25 18 24 24
200% poverty and above 65 54 47 70 58 52 69 59 51
Presence of parents
Two parents presentf 68 83 81 70 84 81 71 84 78
Living with mother only 26 15 16 25 14 16 24 14 19
Living with father only 5 2 3 5 2 3 5 3 3
Presence of adults other than parents
Other relatives only 20 29 25 21 30 30 20 30 29
Nonrelatives only 5 3 2 4 2 4 4 2 4
Both relatives and nonrelatives 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3
No other relatives or nonrelatives 74 67 71 74 67 66 74 66 64
— Not available.
* The source of data for these estimates, the Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) 2014 sample of 98,000 addresses, is not the official source of estimates for income, poverty, or health insurance. The 2014 CPS ASEC included redesigned questions for income and health insurance coverage. All of the approximately 98,000 addresses were selected to receive the improved set of health insurance coverage items. The improved income questions were implemented using a split panel design. Approximately 68,000 addresses were selected to receive a set of income questions similar to those used in the 2013 CPS ASEC. The remaining 30,000 addresses were selected to receive the redesigned income questions. The source of the 2014 data for this table is the CPS ASEC sample of 98,000 addresses. More information on confidentiality protection, methodology, sampling and nonsampling error, and definitions is available at: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/techdocs/cpsmar23.pdf.
a Native-born parents means that all of the parents that the child lives with are native-born, while foreign-born means that at least one of the child's parents is foreign-born. Anyone with U.S. citizenship at birth is considered native-born, which includes persons born in the United States and in U.S. outlying areas, and persons born abroad with at least one American parent. Foreign-born children with native-born parents are included in the native-born children with native parents category.
b Data are from the expanded CPS sample and use population controls based on Census 2000.
c In 2023, all children total 72,296,000. The estimate excludes household residents under age 18 who were listed as family reference persons or spouses.
d Prior to 2007, this category reflected the education of the parent identified by the parent pointer. Beginning in 2007, it shows the education of the parent
with the highest educational attainment if the child lives with two parents.
e The poverty status groups are derived from the ratio of the family's income to the family's poverty threshold. Below 100% of poverty refers to children living below the poverty threshold, 100% to 199% of poverty refers to children living in low-income households, and 200% of poverty and above refers to children living in medium- and high-income households. See ECON1.B for income levels relative to the poverty threshold.
f Prior to 2007, this category included only married parents. Beginning in 2007, all children with two parents are included, regardless of whether the parents are married. Prior to 2007, CPS data identified only one parent on the child's record. This meant that a second parent could only be identified if they were married to the first parent. In 2007, a second parent identifier was added to the CPS. This permits identification of two coresident parents, even if the parents are not married to each other. In this table, "two parents" reflects all children who have both a mother and father identified in the household, including biological, step, and adoptive parents. Before 2007, "mother only" and "father only" included some children who lived with a parent who was living with the other parent of the child but was not married to them. Beginning in 2007, "mother only" and "father only" refer to children for whom only one parent has been identified, whether biological, step, or adoptive.
g From 1994 to 2002, following the 1977 U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards for collecting and presenting data on race, the CPS asked respondents to choose one race from the following: White, Black, American Indian or Alaskan Native, or Asian or Pacific Islander. The U.S. Census Bureau also offered an "Other" category. Beginning in 2003, following the 1997 OMB standards for collecting and presenting data on race, the CPS asked respondents to choose one or more races from the following: White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. People who responded to the question on race by indicating only one race are referred to as the race-alone population. The use of the race-alone population in this table does not imply that it is the preferred method of presenting or analyzing data. Prior to 2004, "Asian" refers to Asians and Pacific Islanders; beginning in 2004, "Asian" refers to Asians alone. Data from 2004 onward are not directly comparable with data from earlier years. Data on race and Hispanic origin are collected separately. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
NOTE: All comparative statements in this table package have undergone statistical testing, and, unless otherwise noted, all comparisons are statistically significant at the 10 percent significance level.
NOTE: The U.S. Census Bureau has reviewed this data product for unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and approved the disclosure avoidance practices applied to this release (DMS Project Number: P-7534374; Disclosure Review Board (DRB) approval number: CBDRB-FY24-POP001-0032).
SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau. Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

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